Talented Etsian Artist Blue Starfire’s
wonderfully crafted designs are centered on her interests, which she has expressed
beautifully in the themes of the jewelry she has made. Astronomy, history and
mythology are a few. Some of the pieces even tell a story since many of her
unique creations have fun and interesting facts tied to them as well.
These are only a few of her
creations -but she has many, many more…all unique, all wonderfully crafted.
The Artist has graciously offered a coupon code for all CRAVE
visitors for her shop from now until the end of the year. Simply enter coupon code
“bluecrave12” for 50% off any one item in HER shop good until the end of the
year. Perfect for gift giving-the holidays are just around the corner.
All of her jewelry is handmade in the USA.
*Blue Starfire - can also be commissioned to do unique- one of a
kind creations.
Visit her shop for more Fabulous finds