Excerpt -Mask City
The city behind
them disappeared into a mist as they went further along the main path. Neither
of them spoke much, just the occasional grunt or clearing of the throat as if
to say, “I’m still here.” The mist was surrounding them and becoming quite
thick, many times Thomas lost site of Amos steering the bicycle in front of
him. The mist was cold and clung to Thomas’ clothes making them heavy and wet.
The combination of moisture and being so tired might have been enough to kill
someone a lot older with more years to brag about, but Thomas was young and
quite the fighter. Still, hopes that the mist would let up and they would be
able to see more clearly were evident as Amos started to peddle the bicycle
slower the further into the mist that they went.
Be sure to get a copy of this awesome authors book for yourself!
Amazon Kindle - http://www.amazon.com/Mask- City-ebook/dp/B008Z5WUQY/ref= la_B008CBWXAE_1_2_title_1_kin? ie=UTF8&qid=1345870096&sr=1-2
Amazon Paperback - http://www.amazon.com/Mask- City-James-Agee-Jr/dp/ 1478328266/ref=la_B008CBWXAE_ 1_2_title_0_main?ie=UTF8&qid= 1345870096&sr=1-2